Midi received by Cubase, but cant link to VST


I am totally foxed, will somebody please help!

The Transport Panel shows midi activity when I press the keys on my Roland keyboard, so Cubase is clearly getting a midi signal.

I am using the new project template Piano & Vocal, problem is, I cant get midi to control Halion Sonic SE (or any Virtual synth). When I look at the instrument on the screen, I can see it is set to the default midi channel 1. When I check the
input routing I can select “All Midi Channels” or E-DSP MIDI Port [CF00], whichever I select, I cannot control Halion Sonic.

How can I link a VST synth to the midi signal, please?

Windows 7 64 Bit
Cubase 6.5 64 bit
E-Mu 10-10 sound card
Roland KF-7 piano with non USB midi connections

Double check that the output of the instrument channel is Halion Sonic SE.

Double check that the track is armed to record.

Double check that the track is selected.

Have tried all these, and still no joy. :frowning: Thanks for the suggestions though…

MIDI Thru checked in Prefs?

This is too weird! I encountered the very same problem today on my desktop computer.
Another weird thing about it is that I do not have the problem on my laptop.
I tried to compare the settings on both machines but no difference showed up, besides the only difference that my desktop is running 6.5.3 and the laptop is still on 6.5.0.

In my case:

  • Midi Thru Active is checked.
  • Resetting to all defaults does not cure the problem.
  • When I enter the midi-editor, the problem is gone! My VsTi will then respond to my midi-keyboard. Whenever I leave the midi-editor, again I get no sound from the VsTi (in this case: Prologue, but I also tried other VsTi’s.)
  • Midiports are set, Inputs are set to All-MIDI inputs, the keyboard is included in the “All MIDI Inputs”- option and midi is being received.

What is wrong?

Windows 7 64 Bit
Cubase 6.5 32 bit
M-Audio Fasttrack Pro sound card
Emu XBoard 61 with USB midi connection

Yes, Thru is checked, still not working.

Mine is different, I can’t get into the Midi editors. When I get the MIDI drop down menu, the first 5 editors are greyed out. The only ones not greyed out are merge midi in loop, freeze midi modifiers, functions (but drop down from this are all greyed), logical presets (drop downs all greyed), drum map setup, insert velocities, cc automation setup, note expression (only note exp midi setup not greyed), expression map setup and reset.

Still no joy.

Same in a new, blank project? If yes, trash Prefs. If no, might be a corrupt .cpr.

It happens in an old project as well in a new project started from a template.

Have reset preferences and restarted Cubase, got a shutdown error. Launched Cubase, created a new recording project, still see midi activity in the transport bar, still not controlling Halion Sonic SE piano…

Could the answer lie in why I have no access to the editors in the MIDI drop down menu, why would that be?

As I said earlier, the only ones not greyed out are merge midi in loop, freeze midi modifiers, functions (but drop down from this are all greyed), logical presets (drop downs all greyed), drum map setup, insert velocities, cc automation setup, note expression (only note exp midi setup not greyed), expression map setup and reset.

You have to have a MIDI event selected for the Editors to be available in the dropdown. There have been issues with Templates which is why I suggested a new, blank project. As stated, when all else fails, Trash Prefs.

Just to point out the obvious (since it hasn’t been mentioned) …

Do you have the track’s monitor button enabled?

SOLVED! I trashed every pref I could possibly find in the Preferences centre. I then started a new project with a Minimoog as VsTi. Then I saw and heared output coming from the track and I knew the problem was SOLVED!
I tried again with a new track and emplyed an instrument track with Retrologue and it still worked fine.

I really don’t know what caused this. Trashing Prefs might be a good one to remember.
I suspect it has something to do with a SOLO-setting in the midi-editor but I checked and unchecked too quickly to really recall what happened.

When you say trash prefs, did you mean File/Preferences and reset these to default?

Not worked for my issue unfortunately…

Yes enabled…

How do I ensure a MIDI event is selected please?

I entered File - Preferences and clicked on every pref that has MIDI written over it. I then randomly checked/unchecked some boxes and then set to Default and Apply. I did this routine for every MIDI-pref I could find. After this I started a new prject with some VsTi (in my case a Minimoog) and then it was OK, but then again: I really don’t know what I was doing.

I think he means click on a midifile in your track