Midi recording into Dorico

Here’s something strange that may be due to me being a bit of a beginner on Dorico.
I have attached a video to the flow and synchronized it so it plays fine with the score (the video is actually audio file rendered as video on my DAW).
All is well except, when I try to record live into Dorico, the score and the video begins together - which is fine, but the video’s first 8 bars are cut out…
In other words the video is now 8 bars ahead of the score… (hope it makes sense)

This only happens when recording. During normal play all works perfect.

Any ideas…?

Welcome to the forum, @loni. Please see this recent thread for more information:

Thanks, I was hoping for a ‘secret setting’ that I’ve missed but I’m glad it is being looked at.
Keep up the good work.