I’m planning to use Cubase for playback situations.
I’m looking for a way to locate events (songs) via midi remote in a way that: song no. 1 = midi note 1
song no. 2 = midi note 2
song no. 3 = midi note 3
song no. X = midi note X
Cycle markers work fine but there’s only option to “Locate Cycle Marker” to no. 9 that’s not enough. Over 100 might be needed. I haven’t achieved to automate “Cycle Marker X” via Project Logical editor. That would be a way to go if programming “X” is possible.
Engage an external utility in order to call the Cycle Marker X and then let it automatically type in the number of the marker.
Use MIDI Remote and create a sequence of commands, as To Cycle Marker 9 and then Locate Next Marker multiple times depending on the X value you want. This is more advanced and though doable, it would fail if on the marker track we also have single markers.
Same as the MIDI Remote solution but by using macros instead. This can be more tedious to setup.
Split your cycle markers to multiple marker tracks with a size of 9. This way, what you have to do is changing the active marker track and then trigger the proper Recall Marker 1 to 9. The selection of the “new” marker track and the triggering of the recall can then be performed with a PLE.
I really think you should go with the latest one, or the first approach though I understand it adds the overhead of another utility. Other than that, perhaps more experienced users than me do know of a much better approach.