Hi, I tried to integrate Push 2 as MIDI Controller. So fare it is recognizing everything, but can not assign the volume bottom to volume and all the other leveler. I have only zero or 100%.
Any idea?
Greetings, Klaus
Welcome topic. I also would like more ideas how to setup push 2 with cubase 12.
Hi Klaus, can you share your Push 2 script? Thanks and greetings, Ralf
I´m using Shove https://silenceandsound.com/ it works pretty well for the matrix and transport…but the other buttons have no function. You can combine both the new midi remote functionality and shove. It works!
Hello Ralf, I can only agree with you.
In case you or anyone else here is interested, I have been using Push 2 with Shove 1.3 for quite some time. Push2 is a very good hardware and with Shove I can use the drum pads with it as well as the pads as an alternative keyboard with different scales for Nuendo/Cubase. Unfortunately, the further development of Shove lässte on itself (v1.3 for a long time). Using Push as a note input tool automatically results in different lines for keyboarders when playing due to the layout of the keys than when playing on a normal keyboard. Especially when imitating e.g. string instruments the results sound very good. The most fun is to use it in combination with an ExpressiveE Touche controller for expressive lines or pads. This also works great together with external synths via ctrlr-VST templates, which I integrate into the Touche Controller Tool Lie (VST).
If I could wish for something from the Steinberg team, it would be:
the native integration of Ableton Push2 into Cubase/Nuendo as well as
an integration of the ExpressiveE Touche Controller directly in the DAW (this is now also possible with Lie, but it is practically only usable for one instance. Great would be then also if
Cubase/Nuendo would support internal flexible routing between tracks incl. Sysex transfer and with VSTs and a
prioritization option for note-on messages to optimize midi timing with external synths when using controllers or Sysex.
This is already possible with external tools now, but cumbersome. If anyone is interested, this is how I’m currently doing it with Nuendo 11 on Windows 10-64:
I currently use loopMIDI in combination with MIDI-OX for this MIDI note-on timing optimization when using ctrlr VSTs fĂĽr controlling external synths. Why this complex approach? Cubase/Nuendo reserves all activated MIDI drivers in the DAW, so ctrlr-VSTs cannot send to it directly (occupied). If the midi-drive is used only by ctrlr, then everything is working (nore-on and Sysec or controller), but the MIDI note-on latency is not good. But with this loopMIDI/MIDI-OX approach Cubase/Nuendo has direct access to the hardware driver of the MIDI interface for best note-on/timing and the ctrlr VST sends its Sysex data out of Cubase/Nuendo via the loopMIDI driver. The data from LoopMIDI is then received by MIDI-OX in real time and is there routed directly to the MIDI hardware driver. Result is minimal latency for MIDI note-on events and complete control of all Synth parameters in ctrlr VSTs to be automated with Cubase/Nuendo.
Cheers, Tom.
Hi Tom, thanks for your great input…i will look into this ExpressiveE Touche Controller thingie…sounds very interesting and cheerful…i know about CTRL…its cool.
Now I use my Push 2 in a combination with Shove and the new Cubase midi controller thing. It works fine at is very satisfiing
Cheers, Ralf
Hi everybody,
What about the screen? Is there a way to get the name of the assigned dynamic QC or the mixer tracks?
Can the knobs be used with shove too or only the pads?
Ya Chew; that would be amazing…
Hello. I think the controller knobs detect “touch” which sends a 0 to something much higher. That could be the value you’re actually receiving. This video discusses it broadly: Ableton Push User Mode Knob Fix! - YouTube
I hope you consider sharing the script.
I plan on developing a Push 2 Nuendo thing myself but I’m not sure if I’ll go the Shove approach or make a script for Cubase. I should probably go the Shove approach.
Shove uses Max/MSP to route a signal. I’ve started creating something from scratch and right now I have some transport controls from the Push 2 controlling both Studio One and Cubase. There are some features I wish Shove had and I hope to implement them in one I’m doing. Primarily I want to setup more of the buttons on the Push 2 to control the DAWs.
Looks like Shove has been discontinued, or at least doesn’t seem to be available from the website/webshop.
Anyone got a working Push 2 script or alternative solutions?
After fiddling a little bit I managed to get the rotary encoders to work. It’s not that hard, it’s just a bit odd. If anyone is interested, I can share. I’m only missing Shove, or something similar, to be able to turn the backlight of the Push 2 on.
Sorry for dropping the ball on this. I wish I had no traded in my Push 2. I wasn’t expecting Ableton to be this slow in releasing the API for the Push 3. I am considering recording a video demonstrating how I integrated the Push 2 into Cubase. However, it will require the use of Max/MSP.
If anyone is interested in a video demonstrating this, please let me know. I get questions periodically but I’m not sure how many Cubase users are also interested in using Max/MSP.
I would be interested. Do you know how to get complete push 2 integrated into Cubase?
I do but only through the use of Max/MSP. Do you have a full copy of Max/MSP?