MIDI Remote, Relative value mode

Okey. If I may ask, is it possible for me to use my controller via the Mackie Protocol combined with BOME to make my encoders move more finely via the Macke Protocol?
(I feel so stupid)

Your controller is MCU compatible and already support the Mackie protocol. For a test, you dont need Bome at all. Use the flip button and see what happens, if you use the faders on parameters you want to have finer control.

If you want to use the encoders with finer control, you would need Bome and you would need to write a somehow awkward script in Bome, where the faders replace your encoders and vise versa. Also you would only have finer control, where the Mackie protocol supports it, which is rarely the case.

If you ask me, not worth the hassle.

Okey thank you. Then I can exclude BOME.
If I understand things correctly, it is a script for the Midi Remote I need to be able to adjust the values more finely with the encoders.

Alternatively buy another hardware with higher resolution?

I did download the BOME Trial, and mange to turn my encoder to a mouse wheel, and with the help of the shift button, I can control it more towards what I like. Problem is that then I have to move the mouse, and my ambition is to be able to ditch the mouse. Then Iā€™d rather prefer less fine control if that would mean that I do not have to hover a parameter with my mouse.

Regarding this MIDI cc relative scaling issue where you want to select an arbitrary resolution (ie. 127 and 1024 steps), has anybody tried binding a button to change the max value in bindToControlChange14Bit(channel, cc).setValueRange(min, max)?

The value range can be arbitrarily set and will in effect change the scaling of the parameter. I can confirm this as I created a script that sends 14bit MSB/LSB messages from vertical mouse movements and it scaled as expected (ie. the larger the value range, the more I had to move the mouse to go to limits of the parameter being controlled).

Could this be done using custom variables?

Ultimately, Iā€™m wondering if dec/inc encoders can be scripted to send absolute 14bit messages - assign a starting MSB/LSB by receiving it from the VST with mOnTitleChange(?), the encoder dec/inc on that value, then sends the new MSB/LSB to the parameter.

This is essentially what I did with the autohotkey mouse script.

Hope that makes some kind of sense.

Is this idea possible?

For relative encoders (inc/dec) you can use a custom value variable that binds to the VST parameter that is a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 (or do they call it ā€œprocess valueā€?). Basically, you add and subtract from this value whenever the encoder change. Iā€™ll be happy to post what I did as an example. Itā€™ll probably make more sense that me trying to explain it. Just give me a day.
It works quite well apart from Iā€™m having issues with seemingly random double triggers that I think are due to inconsistencies with rounding in the API when feedback, for updating an LED ring, are sent to the same MIDI channel and CC. I have a funky ghetto workaround for that too that works ok, not perfect, but still usable. Iā€™ll post here again tomorrow with some more substantial info and some actual code.

Totally agree
Even simpler would be, when using a relative setting in midi remote is to simply allow up to the value of the 14 bit ie 16383
ie steps and remove the 127 limitā€¦same thing as you have said @mlib but just using what is already there


and on top of that, using 14bit for a while, its absolute and a pain

I think its a priority to simply add a fix where the steps can be specified in the previous email I sent

I dont believe that this garbage-trash-can named midi-remote and especially the editor for it, will receive any soon updates that are relevant. It will have the same fate as the generic remote. Either you are capable of doing java-script and do your own thing (in the limits of the API of course), or you can wait infinitely until ā€œsomethingā€ is updatet, that for sure will be something useless.

Yeah thats sadā€¦I dont believe you would be able to say that without having adequate experience which it seems you have

It really needs a maintenance crewā€¦once released, the half baked goes back in the oven with the wider knowledge/feedback

This one miniscule addition would absolutely fix a major grievance
and its not a lot of code (that is obvious to a coderā€¦myself) which is why I dont want to do my ā€˜jobā€™ when Im making musicā€¦NOā€¦not everā€¦makes me feel sick; yeah likely burnout symptoms.

BTW, Generic remote is nearly thereā€¦its just a nightmare to useā€¦but I put it all in a spreadsheet that just spits the xml outā€¦bit hacky atmā€¦but once that was done, its pretty comprehensive tbh

Ive posted this elsewhere but Im just doing the muscle mem on it atmā€¦

Can anyone answer please, for those that just want to make music and not code, does the remote editor actually accept any Nrpn stuff at all? I simply run the surface in mackie emu and want the parameters to have relative adressing with 14bit precision

How hard can this be???

All I know is that if your midi hardware can output 14 bit midi it is possible. I have a Faderfox EC4 and It works.

Of course the hardware supports 14bit, but parameters to have relative adressing with 14bit precision is another story. This is only possible by scripting and even with scripting, it is kind of a hack.

Guys the thread is two years old, without anything happening from Steinberg side. What do you expect? That this is all of a sudden is resolved?

Come on, dream on. Create a feature request with a poll. DEMAND it there.

The sad thing is, midi is known for decades and the developers cant pull off a decent remote-editor. It would be funny, if it is not just pure sadness.

You ask, how hard this can be? I would say fire and hireā€¦ new people. People that know their stuff. But hey, we have nice colourful UI consoles, that must be enough to go on for a few years and then we will advertise the next bull$hit that does not work. Just wait for midi 2.0, that will be the next disaster.

Right, but this thread is specifically about ā€œrelative value modeā€ where in essence, your rotary encoder sends left/right turn messages. In such a mode, the values sent from your controller are never 14bit wide.

I figured it was not the answer. I have participated in this thread earlier, asking whether it was possible to get 14 midi out of my P1-M which has relative encoders. I got different answers I believe. Not possible, possible and partially possible. I was too confused since I am a total roooooookie about this and I figured I might as well have a desire for an additional controller.

But still being able to access this via relative mode would be awesome.

Relative encoders using the Surface Editor is locked at a 7 bit resolution. Any other resolution is possible but requires custom scripts.

Yep and I cannot commit to learn that at this time.

I donā€™t blame you. Itā€™s a frustrating endeavor as the API both feels incomplete and has a fair amount of bugs.

Exactly, and that alone is such a dumb thing to do. The majority of relative encoders can do 14bit, but we can not use the full potential of them. Except you learn Java Script and do your own script and even then, you will be confronted with problems that simply should not be there. I dont want to learn a language that has nothing to do with creating music or midi at all.

And in years, there was no relevant update to the midi remote editor, so the clever developers expect from us, to use the API and scripting, which has nothing to do how this midi remote was advertised. Its basically a fraud thing to the customers. Announcing something, that simply is NOT there. A A$$hole move, if you ask me.

I agree in large. When MIDI Remote was introduced we were all asked to have patience, claiming it was work in progress. I am not a fan of developers releasing commercial products that are half finished. To make things worse, this ā€œwork in progressā€ has seen very little progress since it was released over two years ago.

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It annoys me to the maximum. A thread with over 6.3k views which is way more than some scripts for controllers have, should be a big enough alarming signal for any developers that might look into the forums (i doubt it). I could vomit on that topic all day, that much it annoys me. It creates heartburn for sure.

BTW, this thread is in the TOP 20 of all midi-remote related threads.
TOP TWENTY, think about it devs.