In previous versions this has not been an issue but since version 2.1.3 seems to be that the USB midi has stopped functioning so it is listed but doesn’t function and you can only get functionality if you select the core midi. Again this is true of an external midi interface (MIDIHUB) which is shown and can be selected in Live but when selected does not work. Again resort back to core midi but transport doesn’t work from Novation SL MkII. Note that this worked in previous releases.
Hi! there was something in v2.1.3 and 2.1.4 are u sure the issue is still present in v2.1.5?
Yes as upgraded and the problem is still there try to resolve last night but still had same issue as described.
My experiance:
Novation controllers are behaving very strange under Windows.
I had issues with SLMK2 and LaunchPad.
SLMK2 with newer WIN versions (mid 23) was not working properly. (I sold both). LaunchPad got disconnected depending on the mood of Windows.
Also there is a newer ‘feature’ in WIN11 for 'virus’checking USB hardware at boot (as of May 24). If the device is unknown, the driver is either changed to ‘generic’, the device is marked as ‘legacy’, or the system freezes at boot, (depending on motherboard chipset).
as the MK2 is very old … Maybe you try a generic driver and forget the Novation software.
I’m running a Mac and not had an issue before with Live VST just since the upgrade mentioned above. It’s a bug in the releases from 2.1.3 up to recent release. The SLMKII worked fine but now have to run it as direct midi on core midi via an interface which is odd as you would generally need to select the interface in the connections drop down and assign to the VST instruments.
Hi @Ultrakeys,
version 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 introduced a new Multi-Selection Devices scheme. That did not worked and we need to remove it. Version 2.1.6 should be back fine. Have you installed that one?
Thank you
Yes I have and I can’t use the MIDI for the device and have to use the core midi instead. That works but I lose some of the functionality. Worked ok on 2.1.3 so I think it is still there.
I’m also having trouble in 2.1.6. with my MIDI controllers. The Shortcuts and actions work and I can see data in MIDI Monitor, but the Keys don’t play any Notes in Layers.
Do you still have that problem? Works fine here with version 2.1.7
Do you still have that problem? Works fine here with version 2.1.7
I had other issues in 2.1.7., like short Track clips not playing back correctly. So before I even tested the MIDI, I reverted back to 2.1.2., which was the last version where everything worked for me (apart from a few non-dealbreakers). Haven’t had enough time to play around with it or write in the forum about bugs, and right now I need a stable version for the first actual Live Set coming up.
This has been fixed for the next version to come.
Oh cool, will give it a shot!
Just confirming, that in 2.1.10 everything is working wonderfully so far