let’s see if you can help me, I have problems with my Yamaha modx and the laptop, I use vst live from steinberg with kontack, the fact is that my keyboard stays hanging or it changes sounds, it is receiving midi data that doesn’t stop, thank you, can you help me or not, I use a translator, I don’t know if it will be understood, I’m from Spain.
… are you running the latest version? Have a look here.
No, I have the 1pro version, what do you mean that it won’t happen with the two? I don’t know if the problem is with the keyboard or the program, I always used it with a second keyboard (konplete kontrol mk3) and the Yamaha modx only as a sound controller and without a problem, but I wanted to get rid of a keyboard and I do use it as a sound controller and midi controller gives me problems.
I downloaded trial version 2 and it seems to be working better for now, thank you.