Minimize and Close window options unavailable in Layout and Playback options and Preferences

I’m curious why upper-right-hand window options in Dorico are dimmed out for Playback and Layout options as well as Preferences. I often miss the ability to close these menus via the dimmed x in the corner.
missing options
I’m working in Windows 10, in case that’s relevant.

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I am on Windows 11, and in the same way, these two buttons do not work (are grayed out) in all the option windows (engrave, layout, notation…)

Both Sibelius and Dorico use some dialog designs that are not perfect for the purpose. I guess either the Qt platform offers a limited selection of them, or the team just figures it’s close enough.

Would be nice to have the same thing properly implemented in the macOS version. All popup windows should use the same functionality as the OS in my opinion unless there is a critical reason not to do so.

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Same in macOS for its respective window controls.

I find this statement rather curious since there is such an adamantly strong underlying principle to nearly all other ways of doing things in Dorico. Is good enough ever really acceptable?