Mise à jour Wavelab 11

Bonjour, j’ai tenté d’acquérir Wavelab 11 en mise à jour de Wavelab 10 j’ai payé 99,99 €. J’ai reçu un code de téléchargement mais je n’ai jamais reçu de code pour mettre à jour la clé USB. Je me considère comme victime d’une arnaque. Ne vous faites pas avoir comme moi et ne mettez pas à jour cette version. C’est dégelasse d’escroquer comme ça de fidèle client d’un excellent logiciel.


English please :wink:

regards S-EH

Hello, I tried to acquire Wavelab 11 as an update from Wavelab 10 I paid € 99.99. I received a download code but never received a code to update the USB drive. I consider myself a victim of a scam. Don’t be fooled like me and update this version. It’s disgusting to swindle a loyal customer of great software like that.

Please request help at the official Steinberg support. Maybe something was forgotten during the process, and they will help you, don’t worry.

Quand je fais une demande auprès prestataire de paiement, il m’invite à me connecter sur leur site avec leur mot de passe à eux que bien sur je n’ai pas. C’est dégelasse, je ne peux pas obtenir la version 11 alors que j’ai payé par carte bancaire 99,99 €. C’est la dernière fois que j’achète un logiciel par internet. Quand je fait une réclamation sue le site de paiement il me répondent en me disant de me connecter sur leur site avec mes identifiants mais ils ne me connaissent pas et me refusent.
Je suis désespéré. Merci d’essayer de m’aider.

When I make a request to the payment provider, he invites me to connect to their site with their password, which of course I do not have. It’s thaw, I can’t get version 11 even though I paid € 99.99 by credit card. This is the last time I buy software over the internet. When I make a complaint on the payment site they answer me by telling me to connect to their site with my identifiers but they do not know me and refuse me.
I am desperate. Please try to help me.

What site exactly?


This is not a Steinberg site. What Steinberg or Commercial site did you use to purchase the update?
I mean, what is the primary site that offered this update?


This looks like the official Steinberg online shop.

I personally find the process a little confusing because there is a Download Access Code and then also another code that goes in the eLicenser app.

It threw me off when I purchased another version of WaveLab for my laptop recently.

I personally find the process a little confusing because there is a Download Access Code and then also another code that goes in the eLicenser app.

It threw me off when I purchased another version of WaveLab for my laptop recently.

I fully agree. The way the downloads/upgrades work has changed and it took me by surprise too.

Yes, but my problem is that I did not receive the activation code and it is not possible to reach the payment service.

Contact there: