In the attached project I added the violin 2 & 3 section players. They are selected as part of the full score. However they are not visible in the score and in the parts themselves they just show TACET. In vertical settings I have it set to never hide staves. I’ve done all the tricks I know of to find the missing players. I’m sure (I hope) it is something simple but at this point I can’t figure it out.
IE_Missing violins.dorico (653.6 KB)
Violin 2 and 3 are not currently assigned to the single flow in your document.
In Setup modem, select the Violin 2 and Violin 3 players, and then check the box in the upper right corner of the flow.
it’s also possible to select the Flow (in the bottom panel) and it will reveal that the Violin 2 & 3 are not assigned to the Flow. tick the check box on each instrument
Thanks. I’m scheduling a neurological exam at my next doctor’s appointment. I think I’m starting to loose it. Why didn’t I see that? I think this is the first time I’ve added players and not had them automatically added to the flow.
If the file started as an XML import, then new players are not automatically added to the existing flows.
I did not know that about xml imports. I can’t remember if it was an import but that would make sense.