Missing barline

In the middle of a very straightforward section which I typed in simply without any changes of bar length or time signature, Dorico has missed out a bar line. Of course I can insert it, but how could this happen?

(sorry, not sure if this upload has worked)

Try deleting the last red 4/4 signpost.


Yes, thanks, I know I could do that, but what I am wondering is how did it happen?

One possibility, you started with an xml imported file. In that case you will have to have an eye on these signposts. Sometimes, a signpost can’t be deleted, in those cases select the (explicit) barline belonging to that signpost and hit delete.
ps.: beautiful melody

You might have had a barline selected and then you hit delete.

As I said, I simply typed this in; no xml involved. Yes, it’s beautiful; it’s a Bach chorale.


Katy, how are you inputting your music? Do you use Popovers or do you use the right panel?
These things don’t happen by themselves. You might have clicked on something in the right panel.
If you double click the second signpost, what does it read?

Well, I was selecting duration either from the keyboard or the left panel, and pitches from the keyboard. No popovers. But indeed these things don’t happen spontaneously, so I suppose I must have wandered on to the right panel which seems the only possible origin. It is odd because I was just typing the tune straightforwardly start to finish and had no reason to need the right panel.
Easy enough to cure, of course.

… it could have happened, while searching for the breathmarks?

I guess you have already cleared the issue, next time (if there is one) double click the signpost, then it will show an explicit time signature.
Alternatively you could also select the signpost (single click) and disable “Hide Key-signature” in the bottom panel.

I think I have an explanation (as the same thing happened to myself just now): you click onto a note or some text and hit backspace to delete it - if by mistake you happen to select a barline just before hitting delete, you will end in the situation described in your first post.

(as I suggested…)

Exactly, it can happen very quickly - I just witnessed it myself and am testifying herewith. Also I can attest that this might be the possible reason :wink:

Thanks all. That is probably what happened.