Missing content cinematic sound FX and Mantra Vocals 01

Hi all
I seem to be somewhat confused about the content that came with Cubase 11.
I don’t quite understand why the download manager shows and allows to download content that I apparently don’t own. The library manager doesn’t actually show me if I own a license to a product or not, it just shows the content and the option to remove , which doesn’t really make sense IMO.
Anyways, each time I open C11, I get the error message that some content could not be loaded, namely cinematic sound FX and Mantra Vocals 01. But the are present in the manager. Where can I see what content was actually included in the C11 purchase?
I like that the NI updater ( native access) automatically shows you what you own and gives you the option to update all our plugins and content. The downoad assistant is very confusing in this regard.
What am I missing?

If you select Cubase 11pro it shows only licensed content…

Ok that’s one thing cleared up, thanks!