I exported a Sibelius file to xml and imported it into the demo version of Dorico 5Pro.
It looks very good but… It is a Flute quartet and all the notes in Flute one are missing. What have i done?
I’m not sure. Some sort of project that you can attach would help.
If you can attach either the original Sibelius score or the MusicXML file, that would be helpful.
Hello Daniel
Tried to upload Sib file and xml but the forum says cannot upload the format has to be jpeg, pdf ect…
Thanks. Andy Thorne
upload as a zip file.
Hello, Files attached, I hope.
Badinerie score 4Fl.zip (119.3 KB)
Badinerie score.zip (22.9 KB)
Hi @AFT , your XML opens and shows all 4 flutes just fine.
I attach screenshots and the Dorico file:
Badinerie score-DORICO.dorico (998.4 KB)
Tip1: try to deselect most preferences under Dorico Preferences → MusicXML import before reimporting/reopening the XML file.
Tip.2: you can copy the Project Infos (menu File->Project info… ) from the flow to the project (so you have your composer and arranger text. Here a visual guide: