Missing ports unmapped

I searched the forum and I can’t say that there aren’t any articles on this subject but no one has the solution.
So, please can someone tell me why all of a sudden, without making any system configuration changes or Cubase, why do I get this popup (missing ports unmapped) appearing? I tried to reinstall cubase, asio, I rechecked the configuration but nothing could put everything in order.
the problem was a bad parameter following poor manipulation in the metronome options, I don’t know, I don’t understand how this could have happened.

Are you sure this popup is caused by Cubase? Can you post a screenshot here?

the popup only appears when launching cubase
Sans titre

That output tells you that the out ports of your Audio Device UR22mkII are not mapped to anything in Cubase.

What does it show if you click on the arrow left of the device name?

I know what that window says but why suddenly like that one day? Even if I restart the manual configuration (normally I don’t need to do it because it’s automatic) it doesn’t do anything and the next time I launch the window reappears

What about being a bit more detailed? I can’t see your PC and I can’t see what happens and what you are doing.

Is the audio device working correctly, or does it show a problem?
What does the config look like when you modify it?
Did you save the project after changing the config?

1 - you don’t need to see my pc, it won’t help you in any way
2 - as I said, without changing anything on the Windows or Cubase settings, without installing anything it started one day like that

Well, good luck then…

My guess is you changed the usb port the interface is connected to.

not always plugged into the same usb port

the problem was a bad parameter following poor manipulation in the metronome options, I don’t know, I don’t understand how this could have happened.

Can you please tell me how you resolved this? I’ve just opened up cubase and am now faced with ‘unmapped ports’. I have no idea how or why this has happened.

I also have the same problem today - ports missing on startup. They were perfect all day yesterday in the same project that I have opened. No cables removed, driver installed/selected and working correctly on my Win 10 PC. Very strange.

For all who want to know how:

it was the metronome problem, check the connection (circled in red) of the sound card


i have no option to change to anything in this box!

can you post the capture?

Hello, I’ve sorted it out now, I must’ve been having a twit moment and was simply trying to use the wrong sound card haa haa haa
Thank you so much for replying though xx

A post was split to a new topic: Missing ports unmapped – then freeze

It would be best to start a new topic for this. The causes and effects discussed here are muliple and don’t necessarily apply to all use cases.