On pages 45 and 46 of the Operation Manual the various Project settings are described which should appear in the Status Line of the Project Window. Some of these Indicators seem to behave rather erratically however.
The following procedure assumes that control room has been set up initially.
Create new empty project.
Save and close the project.
Open the same project from the File > Recent selection. (it might be necessary to open a different project in between)
Enable the Status Line and see that “Audio inputs: Connected” and “Audio Outputs: Not Connected” are not visible. Open VST Connections and disable the control room.
Close the project without saving.
Open the same project from the File > Recent selection. (it might be necessary to open a different project in between)
Enable the Status Line and see that “Audio inputs: Connected” and “Audio Outputs: Not Connected” are now visible. Open VST Connections and enable the control room. Notice that “Studio Connected” now appears additionally in the Status line.
Close the project without saving.
Open the same project from the File > Recent selection. (it might be necessary to open a different project in between)
Enable the Status Line and see that the “Audio inputs: Connected”, “Audio Outputs: Not Connected” and “Studio Connected” are no longer visible.
The steps 4 to 7 can be repeated with the same results.
Something is not quite right here!
Furthermore, Described in the Operation Manual (pG.46) there should be a further Information with regard to “Project Audio Pull” which I am told actually comes from Nuendo. Interestingly this information is also not displayed in the accompanying graphic.
Either these features need to be debugged or the Operating Manual needs revising. (or both)