Missing subfolders in "Open Recents" view of Dorico 1.2 for iPad

inside the view “Open Recents” of Dorico 1.2 for iPad it is not possible to create subfolders for organizing projects.
If I do this inside the “Files” app all projects are shown in Dorico but without the structure.
Unfortunately, on opening such a project it will be duplicated and additionally, copied to the root folder. Now both files will be shown, that might be confusing.
Is it planned to have such a feature in one of the next versions?!

We have today released a new update to Dorico for iPad, version 2.2, which changes the way files are handled. It’s now possible to have your projects located outside of Dorico’s own folder, e.g. in iCloud Drive or Dropbox, making it possible to use the Files app to manage your Dorico projects and open files directly from there, or from the Open or Import File button in Dorico’s Hub. The Open Recent page of the Hub now also really does show you the files you’ve recently worked on, rather than all of the projects in the app’s local storage.

Details here:

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Wow, that’s what I call “Customer first”.
Ordered yesterday, delivered today!!!

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