I just started working on a Brahms piano quintet and I stepped away from my computer for around 90 minutes leaving Dorico open with the mixer open. Upon returning, I made some adjustments and hit “play” and noticed there was quite a bit of reverb (I have vienna suite convolution reverb set up and all instruments have a send to it). So, I decided to dial back some send levels but, the sends were disabled (at least they appeared so). Even stranger, there is a signal going to the FX send.
In a nutshell:
- Send levels set
- Save project
- Leave Dorico for 90 minutes
- Return to disabled sends
- Sends appear disabled but are actually sending a signal.
Is there a logical explanation? Has anyone seen this before?
EDIT. Sorry for the terrible resolution, but the screen is so big, a normal resolution created a 20MB file.
This is clearer:
- Be certain send is active
- Copy and paste music
- Send appears inactive (but it actually sends a signal).