Mobi One dedicated Cubase Midi Controller

Hey @mitchiemasha, I just got a Qube Mobi this week and starting to get stuck into it - are you still enjoying it?

Two other questions for you.

  1. I’m assuming the request below was fixed in an upgrade? I can move strip fx into different slots - and even (with some parameter limitations) swap out models eg tube compressor for vintage compressor, and the Mobi assigned controls stay in synch. Guess I bought at a good time!
  1. My controls mapping looks completely different to your screenshot posted in this thread a few months ago. I’m using the one supplied, but it doesn’t have the transport buttons, and the dials / dial buttons are shown separately. Has something changed in either Cubase or the Mobi since you bought yours, or did you create your own controls mapping from scratch?

Cheers, JP.

  1. I’m guessing this fix is a Cubase improvement.

Unfortunately, there was higher management issues at the location I was subletting and my studio is currently closed, ongoing a lengthy problematic move. I’ve managed to get a little table set up at my new flat to power through some work

But as you can see, no Mobi. I’m very eager to get it out, back to tweaking it’s mappings etc… just a mountain of priorities in front of it.

  1. Yes, I made my own mapping. I like to combine the bottom press to be a box in the top right corner of the knob it’s linked to, instead of being lower down the screen. Where I last left off, the lower part down of the screen is now layer 2 (bank B) of the knobs, there’s also a copy again to the right for 3 and 4 (C&D) I may changes this to pages in the Cubase editor.

I’m hoping that the delay from the eviction will work out in favour for my Mobi Mapping, Cubase will be a newer version, with lots of juicy mapping improvements… YES!!!

Those who have these, does anyone know how they achieved the “fine control” mode for the various plugin parameters? I’d love to implement that via a set of Intech controllers.

Are you using the MIDI Remote API with those controllers?

Yes, I’ll be trying to map the Intech Encoders controllers and hope to get finer control over than is offered by default.

When using the MIDI Remote API (JavaScript programming) you have full control over how much one click on your rotary encoders will increase/decrease its mapped parameter. When it comes to faders, you’re limited to what what the hardware actually sends.

Thanks. I saw a contentious 145 page thread on this you were a part of, including lots of contentious language. Can you help sum it up for a non programmer and perhaps point me to some premade scripts that might help me?

Ideally, I’d be able to do this work on the midi remote editor. And it seems that the Mobi One does somehow achieve greater resolution without using a script (according to the dev) as seen at 4:10 in this video:

In any case, perhaps the Mobi One is simply the controller I ought to buy.

I’ll try. Under the hood, Cubase treats all VST parameters (basically any parameter you can automate) as a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Those get converted/scaled to what you see on the screen. For example, if an EQ band lets you pick between 5 different types, this process value will read 0.0 for the first EQ type, 0.25 for the second, 0.5 for the third and so on. Each discrete step is 0.25. A channel volume fader will have a much, much finer resolution so its step size will be much smaller.
If you use an endless rotary encoder, you can typically set those up to send “relative” values. In a nutshell it means that the encoder will send “increase by one step” for every click turned clockwise and “decrease by one step” for each click you turn the encoder counter clockwise. What “one step” in this context actually means will be up to whatever receives the message to interpret. Cubase MIDI Remote in our case.
If you use the MR API to write your own script you have the freedom to define what these “step sizes” (or resolution) are. You can even have different resolution for different types of parameters. Perhaps a high resolution if the encoder is used to control an EQ frequency parameter and a low resolution if it controls the EQ type.
Unfortunately this is only possible to accomplish by writing a script. If you use an encoder that sends relative data with the Mapping Assistant, you are stuck with a rather poor resolution of 128 discrete steps (the good old 7-bit MIDI CC resolution).

Scripts are custom written for any specific controller.


Yep. And that’s exactly the reason why I’m still using the Generic Remote definitions instead of the MR implementation. They don’t work exactly as I would like to, but at least, they are more easy to use (IMO), and I found a decent workaround a long time ago with them to be able to use my MPD32 endless knobs.

Thanks for the reply guys. Are you saying it’s possible to get higher resolutions via the legacy generic remote?

Also - any insight into how the mobi one is achieving that higher resolution mode without a script? Or was I misled about that?

I’m a working tv composer and simply not going to have the time to learn Java and code a script - at least while I’m employed! And seeing as the user repository GitHub hasn’t seen any new activity in 2 years it’s kind of looking like this feature has been entirely abandoned. Such a shame.

Again, looks like my best bet is that Mobi One, or perhaps that Nektar CS12 when they add Cubase support.

I’m not able to answer to that, as the workaround I found wasn’t about increasing the resolution but rather to make Cubase recognize NRPN blocks of 5 messages transmitted by the endless knobs of my (still working) MPD32 controller. This, for several tasks (cursor move, horizontal zoom, nudge…) using the Generic Remote implementation as, at the time, the MIDI Remote one wasn’t existing.

So, here is the thread, which has been closed since, if you are interested : the (clunky) workaround is in my last post in it.

Hi I haven’t read all of the latest posts here.and it’s a ‘special day’ in this household so I’m hiding out to quickly type this reply - so if this doesn’t add anything to the thread, please ignore.

The Mobi One came.out before C12 so the functionality in this video existed before MIDI Remote:
For the same reason as above I haven’t watched the video in detail but it’s only 4 mins and may answer your question. Please note - if it does what you need in this Generic Remote version, that doesn’t mean that the developer hasn’t made it work over MIDI remote in the intervening two years.

If you sign up as a member on the Qube Audio website there’s some good info in the Members’ Area - and you don’t get spammed, I can only remember getting one or two emails in the couple of years.

I bought a Mobi One and really like it but I don’t know whether it would be perfect for your use case. What swung it for me was that the developer was really responsive and and happy to answer all my questions before (and indeed after) I jumped in.


I suppose it depends on what messages your controller actually sends.

Good point and the Mobi may be able to do that because of the hardware - it’s got a neat thing where you can switch the function of one of the knobs by pressing it, but I think it only works on that one knob.

Well it wouldn’t be just a hardware thing because the midi message the Mobi One sends has to be translated into a different scale value, which means the midi remote has to be setup someway to interpret that. Pressing the speed mode allows any knob on the controller to work in a high res mode.

The new iterations of the Mobi One use a combo of generic remote and midi remote, so somehow they were able to sort it out.

Of course the optimal behavior of these knobs would be how it’s implemented in console 1, where the turn speed dictates the intensity of the scale. So a slow turn gives you granular control and a faster turn gives you bigger sweeps. Amazingly natural and intuitive.

That is a feature that has to be on the controller itself. My MIDI Fighter Twister does this too.

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sorry to hijack this thread, but do you have a script/how to do how this would work on the Midi Fighter Twister? i´m also using a Midi Fighter Twister to control my Focus Quick Controls 1-8, and would love to have some finer steps on the rotary encoders controls