Modulator lfo retrigger problem

Well hello there!

It feels like i must be missing something simple, but i can’t get the new lfo modulator to retrigger the phase on midi note on. Here’s what i’m doing:

  1. Add a new instrument track (Dune3)
  2. go down to modulators and select the lfo.
  3. Select “midi” on the retrigger mode
  4. Select “Add connection” & learn (i open the dune3 gui and touch the cutoff freq button).
  5. The modulation is assigned and i can see and hear the modulation. But it’s always freerunning both when playing midi notes on the keyboard, or when you playback from a midi part?

I’m having the same issue.

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Follow up:
So i think i managed to do it by adding a midi track after the instrument/vst and using the midi send to the modulator. (Yes, i know… rtfm)

However, i feel that the retrigger timing feels a bit wonky. It’s especially noticable when doing very fast pitch modulation with the stepsequencer. (Like chiptune arpeggios). It’s like the gate/midi/retrigger release isn’t fast enough so that you sometimes get ghostnotes if the stepsequencer hasn’t finished one cycle when retriggering new notes.

I also tried to modulate the retrigger button with the notegate modscript (using the static option… the gate becomes like a quick spike) but i didn’t help, eventhough it’s a great script where you can set attack/release and lots of other options.

But anyways, big thanks to steinberg for creating the modulators. They’re alot of fun and i think i will use them alot.