Modulators: Features request

1- The button for opening the target of the modulators should open the corresponding panel and it also should select the corresponding pad. It would be very helpful to highlight the knob that is being modulated too.
Edit: this requested feature is for drum machine and cubase stock plugins.
I mean this button:

2- I miss an option for “LEARN MIDI AGAIN” at the beginning of the drop-down menu once a target has been selected

3- It would be useful to have different options for colorizing the modulators. I would suggest to have a page to define a default color per modulator type in Preferences, and a menu color in the modulator editor for selecting how to colorize the modulators:

  • use cubase default color (the green color we have now)
  • use colors defined in preferences
  • use the color of the track
  • use a custom color per modulator

4- A set of A/B buttons in the the editor. Changing A/B from the drop-down menu is not handy.

As far as I understand the VST specification your request 1) won’t be possible. Cubase has no control over what the plugin will show. Cubase cannot change the view on the plugin, neitehr can it superimpose a marking around a parameter.

All other ideas sound pretty useful to me.

You are right that Cubase has no control over what 3rd party plugins are showing.

I was asking this feature mainly for drum machine pads. It’s annoying to me to click the instrument button and open the drum machine in the last view without selecting the pad that has the modulated konb.

I guess this feature could be implemented for Cubase stock plugins.