Hi Steinberg! First of all thank you for this nice update. I was gladly suprised to see that you kept the vst2 as an (unsupported) option. Big thanks for that and please, please keep this in future releases. This+the new modulators made me upgrade.
About the modulators: Modulating the pitch of Legend hz vst using the step sequencer, it sounds like there’s some smoothing on the automation? The steps has this very fast zip/glide between the notes. Same with the lfo using a square to modulate the pitch. Can this be turned off, so that the pitch changes are really instant?
Thanks for the reply! I tried to turn off asio guard, but those fast slides persist. So i thought “maybe those are depending of what vst you use?”. So i tried it with imposcar3, but with the same result. But then another thing hit me: what if the pitchbend resolution is to fast?
Lets try it with CC0 instead. So i assigned cc0 to the pitchbend in imposcar3, but then another problem appeared: i can’t select the midi CC0 destination from the Cubase lfo mod. The message: “The function can not be changed, as an uknown error appeared”.
The problem here is that the smoothing is happening inside the plug-in. The modulation signal is instant, but the plug-in smoothes the parameter change. So you have to ask the developer of the plug-in to remove the smoothing.