Moonstruck Dumptruck

For lack of a better name, I present to you…
Moonstruck Dumptruck
Comments welcome. Particularly interested in comments concerning the mix, i.e. levels, reverb, delay, compression, EQ, etc.

Wasn’t sure what to make of it; starts out as one sort of piece and ends as another sort of piece, but flows nicely. Sounds good overall. Thought the drum kit was very loud in the second half. I didn’t really notice much reverb or delay in the second half. Good effort.

Nice, I especially like the first electronic part. The second part I found the guitar a bit annoying, don’t know if it’s too loud or something else, or maybe I just really don’t like lead guitars in general :wink:

Thanks for listening and the comments!

Yeah, bit of a schizophrenic track. Part A I could live without,
especially seeing as it has almost no connection to Part B.

I didn’t find anything too loud about Part B. I liked the guitar
tone and I think you did a great job on the drums.

Glad you didn’t swamp everything with reverb. Nice tightness here.