More advanced playback tool - Frequency notch boost, notch cut, and notch-pass options with Q width settings

So a common part of my problem solving workflow is utilizing these tools in plugins to find a noise that is hidden in a cloud of other sounds or music.

I’ll use Voxengo Span for Notch Pass, or Eiosis AirEQ which can have a have very narrow Q and either cut or boost until I find what I’m looking for.

This can also be done in Spectralayers by making a selection and then utilizing the play tool. But it’s a bit clunky.

It would be fantastic if I could enable some sort of notch mode on the playback tool, where it playsback the notched frequencies of wherever I’m clicking in the Spectrogram.

Three different options that could be engaged.
-Notchpass (cuts everything leaving only the selected frequency notch)
-Notchboost (retains all frequencies but boosts the selected)
-Notchcut (retains all frequencies but cuts the selected)

It would save a lot of time, opening and closing plugin windows, mouse clicks, etc, etc.

Additionally, you could have the spectrogram respond visually in real-time to these notched playbacks momentarily revealing visually what they are focusing on.

I like this idea, definitely pushing it for SL7, thanks!

Awesome! Thank - you. Happy New Year 2020!

Maybe this excessive, but I could find a 4th filter option very useful - Brickwall BandPass.

I’ll often use some very steep filters if I’m having trouble locating the sound with notches because it’s a weird pitch bend sound or a scatter of resonating frequencies or to figure out where the most obtrusive band of noise is. And now that I’m typing this. You could also have low-pass and high-pass brickwall filters (or 48db/oct) as well in which high or low frequencies will be cut up to the playback cursor.

These are all strategies in addition to using notches that I’m employing all the time.
It’s quicker than having to make selections in SL and then use playback tool on them.

Can’t remember if there are already keyboard modifier commands for the playback tool, but having them tied to some of these would be great.

Just another idea here you might like, based on the same work needs of identifying or focusing on problem areas.

This could both be used as just a frequency focused monitoring solution to only hear the frequency area being worked on, and or processed into the final result.