More little critters

I just found this little thing, it only occurs occasionally, but the pan fader is not extended full

Not really a bug, but I would love to be able to see the full path when exporting audio

Best regards, Ole

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I believe both the volume and panning faders are intended to have the same width, and in that case the fader IS at full.

Do you have a screencap showing how it looks when it’s not occasionally like that? It seems to me it’s always like that and would probably make sense they designed it to match the volume.

I will try to capture it :slight_smile:

Well, maybe it’s not a bug anyway, I can’t seems to capture it so maybe it’s all a figment of my imagination…

Still I would like that tiny little space to make use in my pannings :slight_smile:

Haha, that happens. Trust me, you’ll get used to it - it is more consistent that way.

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