More Long Time Noob Questions: Montage Meta Normalizer

What might be even faster is to go to the clips list and double click in the end times (it’s easiest to blow up the clip list by double clicking the title bar), and starting with the first clip, increase the hours or minutes of the end times with the up-arrow key to the max by holding down or tapping the up-arrow key, then going to the next clip.

Just make sure Track Ripple (on the Edit Tab) is turned on for the montage (or Global Ripple if you’re using multiple montage tracks), and the markers are attached to the start and end of the clips (they should be if made by the CD Wizard, or they can be manually attached by right clicking on the markers while the relevant clip is selected).

You’re right! Easier than expected.

Dragging clip ends to increase the portion of the wave that’s ‘behind it’ has been like that since WL3 (or earlier, but I wouldn’t know), but it seems suntower (OP) wants this automated without having to click and drag a clip end.

This may work with your type of montage use, but create an immense world of pain for other users. Clips are simply not ‘CD Tracks’ for everyone.

I sometimes produce 5 minute radio show ‘items’ with WL montage. That means name and station jingles are on WL track 1, music clips on track 2, presenter on track 3, commercials on track Last (or kept empty) and anything else on tracks in between. That’s usually between 20 to 40 clips per item. These items come together on weekly CDs for the station. Well I guess you can imagine what would happen in your scheme…

But I would think the Basic Audio CD IS the place for such automated behaviour…

I agree. I think the original request to make it work in the Basic Audio CD is valid. It’s how it works in iTunes and Windows Media Player burn playlists. And probably Toast. Probably all playlist-layout burn programs. If a source file is modified and saved with a new length, the CD track is automatically made the new length, and it’s reflected in the time in the playlist. I think it’s unexpected for that not to happen.

The “Basic Audio CD” is here for legacy reasons, because some users are used to it for a long time. But this is a freezed feature.

Oh. Back to square one then.

The default preset in the CD Wizard already effectively does this if things move and the CD Markers are already bound to start and end of clips (which you should always make sure they are). The original markers don’t need to be deleted. Just run the Wizard again. You can see the bind characteristics of each marker in the list in the Marker tab, in the Clip Reference column.

If you need, all markers can easily be deleted by going to the Marker tab, select in the marker list, Ctrl-A to select all, and hitting the delete key.

You still need clips to expand or contract with Ripple when source files are modified though. Really the markers should take care of themselves if they’re attached to the clips, and the simplest solution imo is just to get the option to have the clips automatically expand and contract, without having to use the CD Wizard again.

There are montage issues I see as quite challenging from a number of perspectives. Not the least of which would be that the file names and locations of the “new” files will almost certainly be “different” (eg ABC_Mix 02_EQ17_06_17). How would WL … or any DAW for that matter … find the new files to substitute without reference to the user? This perhaps why other programs have resources bins. Ddisclosure: I don’t use CD Wizard).

Actually, in my case, the WAV file names I would use for the Montage are exactly the same every time.

Living on the edge …

Not at all. As a composer, the critical (and heavily version controlled) item(s) for -me- are actually the Cubase CPRs. I’ll have sometimes -hundreds- of versions of a CPR before the final one of each ‘song’. And then there were 30 CPRs in my first opera.

I’m so changeable. :smiley:

I keep generating the same WAV file for the Montage so I can step back and hear the entire work in progress (or give players individual sections)

If I lost a WAV? I’d just re-generate it from the latest CPR.

I think of it like a software project. And in fact, I kinda wish Cubase/WL had more structured version control systems. But I digress. :smiley: