Hi, we want to change from Logik to CUBASE PRO.
Now we are facing a problem. We make our productions together, as well as at home. So we need 5 installations of the software. The problem is that Cubase Pro only contains 3 installation.
Does it mean, that I am forces to buy a second Cubase pro package?
How this react wirh all the VST plugins? Is it possible to use them in all 5 installations (and 2 different Cubase Pro software baskets?
Yes, unless you don’t use all 5 machines simultaneously, so you can de-activate the unused machines and activate the rest every time but will be a hustle.
All what vst plugins?
Third party plugins all have their own individual licensing…I don’t know of any that allow use on 5 machines for one purchase…2 or 3 is more usual.