More than 3 licences required

Hi, we want to change from Logik to CUBASE PRO.
Now we are facing a problem. We make our productions together, as well as at home. So we need 5 installations of the software. The problem is that Cubase Pro only contains 3 installation.
Does it mean, that I am forces to buy a second Cubase pro package?

How this react wirh all the VST plugins? Is it possible to use them in all 5 installations (and 2 different Cubase Pro software baskets?

Yes, unless you don’t use all 5 machines simultaneously, so you can de-activate the unused machines and activate the rest every time but will be a hustle.

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All what vst plugins?
Third party plugins all have their own individual licensing…I don’t know of any that allow use on 5 machines for one purchase…2 or 3 is more usual.

This would be no different in Logic though.

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If you are talking about the VSTs that belong to the Cubase license, you will also get them with the second license.

If you talk about VST packages you have bought separately you need to check the corresponding license restrictions for these products.

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I don’t know of any that can do 5. You would need to buy another licence

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Thanks all :slight_smile:

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