Most important feature requests for Dorico 4

I use PowerDirector, and that’s basically the workflow I use, to the letter.

I don’t do many of these videos, but they’re really pretty easy.

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Camtasia is a screen capture software too. I just find I prefer the look of hand-animated scores better than just recording dorico playing back on its own. It’s much easier to account for rubato, for instance, that would take me as long to program as just animating a pdf. (I use real recordings, not dorico’s playback engine).

The great thing about Dorico is: you can make a special layout matching your video requirements. Here (PIEŚŃ O ŚWICIE for Violin and Tape (opt. Soprano) - YouTube) I created a special layout which expands a 16:9 video exactly to create a 4:3. And you can make it look good so easily in Dorico. Then: just put the right pages under the right timecodes in an editing software and voila!

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I noticed the Dorico TipsTuesday was about splitting slash regions.

It would be great if there could simply be a setting to auto-split slash regions at all barlines. I’ve honestly quit inputting slashes over a region and just input a single bar then R, R, R, R, R …

It takes a couple of extra seconds on input, but saves all the hassle with copying a region later on in the project. If there could just be a setting to auto-split slash regions at barlines, it would save a few seconds on input with the RRRR method, and would fix the hassles with splitting and copying as shown in the Tips. Thanks for considering!


This seems like a pretty laborious way of doing something that can already be achieved more quickly.



While writing I’m usually only dealing with 4 or 8 bars at a time though, only rarely a long section like that so it seems about equally as fast. And long sections that I’m unlikely to need to split (like a solo section) I still sometimes do the regular way. Your method is way faster for longer passages though so I’ll definitely use that when needed, thanks!

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Loop or not loop ? Personally loop is the enemy of my inspiration :slight_smile: it force me to focus too much on some bars and led me to add part on top of parts, instead of being focused on composing a whole interesting musical flow. In few words : overloaded vertical writings and poor horizontal writing. What do you think ?

Scroll mode on a large monitor. You should be able to see 12-16 measures at a time with a large enough monitor.

Don’t know if it has been suggested before, but having a smart insert mode (maybe with a modifier key like for global/local chords) that would allow to use Insert mode on a bar basis rather than shifting all the subsequent notes of the score when for instance modifying the duration of notes in a bar.
Insert mode is driving me insane sometimes for that reason, seeing all the score being shifted when I just want sometimes to edit groups of notes and turn them say from 8th notes into 16th notes or triplets or whatever.
Especially when you have multiple bar rests after a bar, if you don’t pay attention and forget to re-shift subsequent notes a few bars later everything is messed up just because of that one bar you edited, wish that it would be simpler and with less risks !


This has been debated at length. Your suggestion violates a fundamental design feature of Dorico.

But insert mode should not cause you anxiety. Just remember it works on a per voice basis and if you insert something you will probably have to delete something else later on, so those multiple rests you mention become your friend.

With great power comes great responsibility - as some arachnid opined!

Apparently the team thinks differently about this:


And yet we are still waiting…

Well, that commitment was made after 3.5 was released, and 4.0 hasn’t been released yet, so one cannot claim he hasn’t kept his end of the bargain.

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I’m not knocking the Team. Just inferring that this sort of change must be really difficult to implement, given the original design philosophy of Dorico.

In fact these ideas about being able to optionally affect different scopes (voice, instrument, bar, whole arrangement) were part of the original conception of Insert mode, but we’ve simply not been able to prioritise work in this area until recently. I think you will find that it feels natural and useful when you get to use it, as if it should always have been that way (because it should always have been that way).


You taunt us with your breadcrumbs!!!


I am glad to see that is still a work in progress. (Actually everything at some level can probably be considered a work in progress.) Insert mode seems like such a powerful capability, but I get a deep sense of anxiety every time I click the insert button because 3/4 of the time, I do a lot more damage than good. I’m sure that a person who uses the feature daily is able to make it work to their advantage, but I am really fearful of using it. I mean, I always save my document before doing anything in Insert mode.
If there are ways to make its effects more predictable and intuitive for the new or occasional user, that would be good for everybody.

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Yes, please. I’m sure it would stop me having to look at the documentation half the time I’m wanting to change the number of beats in a bar. I know how it’s supposed to work but for some reason still have problems actually remembering it……

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I realize that the foundation of Dorico is “barless”, i.e. a stream of notes that are not inherently attached to any measures. But this business of changing meters mid-stream, adding or removing beats from a measure, is a very common requirement. It would be wonderful to have some “macro-level” capabilities that would take care of all the tedium that results from the simple notion of adding an eighth note to a 3/4, giving us one bar of 7/8 – without disturbing anything else in the score.
It seems to me that more and more in modern composition, decisions to adjust bar lengths can happen later and later in the compositional process. Conceptually, adding beats is simple enough. The measure can simply be padded with rests. But removing beats is less obvious. I’d be very pleased if the system were smart enough to figure out that a 7/8 could be reduced to 5/8 cleanly because every player had rests at the end of that bar. And if that was not the case, it would be OK with me if the system created an extra 5/8 bar as a place to dump the excess notes. I think that would be very easy to deal with.

If you type shiftB you can add any number of beats you desire to a given measure: ie, “shiftB +1q” will lengthen the bar by one quarter note.

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