Mouse pointer fritzy in Nuendo

Yebo people! I have this really weird problem - the mouse (trackball) pointer is off to the left by a few millimeters in Nuendo, but nowhere else, in no other program.
What gives? It’s very visible when trying to point in the Media Bay, and the visual representation in both the editor when zoomed out (but works in close zoom), and the Media Bay is often nowhere near the actual file…
For some reason the forum refuses to upload the picture I took of it.


Is the window maximised? When you un-maximize it, can you see the white frame on the left side of the window by any chance?

Yip, I’ve had the same problem since the 10.3 update. It’s a window thing - that white frame…misalignment. I’m sure they’ll fix in the next update.


This started with the latest Windows update in all Cubase/Nuendo versions. Most likely, this is on Windows side.