Move a system to the previous page

How to move system to previous page

I have a septet charts Alto-Tenor -2 Trumpets-Bone- Guitar-Piano_Bass

I want to move a the top system the 2nd page to the bottom of page 1 (there is plenty of room to do this.)
I cannot figure how to do this. If I click on the 1st measure of last system of the page 1 and the last measure of the 1st system of page 2 and hit create frame inputs it on the next page (NOT WHAT I WANT)

If it’s not going there automatically, then Dorico doesn’t think there’s room, according to your current settings in Layout Options. It’s generally a better idea to try to adjust your settings to get the results you want rather than moving things manually.

Try clicking the first note on p.1 and then Ctrl/Cmd clicking the last note in the first system on p.2 – and then choose Make Into Frame.