Move Comped Regions to new track?

Yes, at least while you record. I suppose they assume after recording a take most folks would want to give it a listen. But you can use the Comp Tool (or the Arrow equivalent) to undo this later selection. In the gif below it starts with an already existing Comp - I’ve colored the Audio Events used in the Comp purple just to make it more visible. Instead of recording I’m using the Pencil Tool to add 2 more Lanes of (blank) Audio. Just like when recording, as each is added it takes over the Comp. Then if I use the Comp Tool to click on the last Event (on Lane 13) then the previously used Event (Lane 12) becomes the Comp, and if I click on that Lane 12 Event then the previously used Events (aka my initial Comp) becomes the Comp again.

FYI there are 2 kinds of “select” that occur. One is the normal click on something & it gets selected. But the other is ‘selected’ as a component in the Comp. At the very end of the gif Lane 13’s Event is selected in the classic sense, while Events on Lanes 2 & 5 are included in the comp. It’s not initially obvious this is the case.

Adding lane to comp

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