Move license to another account (e-mail)


I tried to contact Steinberg via the official support request. Created two tickets which are not being answered within the last 3 weeks, so I give it a try here in the forum.

I have coincidentally created another account back then, which I used for registering HALion7. Now I can’t use it in Cubase 13, because all other licenses are located on my main (original e-mail) account. When I switch to Cubase License, Cubase starts, but then it gives me the hint that I need to register/activate HALion7. When I do it the other way around I’m able to use HALion7 in my other DAWs (Bitwig and Ableton) but then Cubase doesn’t start anymore.

So I want to simply transfer my HALion7 license from the secondary account to my main account. How do I accomplish this, when nobody from Steinberg responds to my support tickets?

Kind Regards

Hi Paddy,

I guess, you can use the resale procedure to remove the HALion license from your new account and to get a new Download Access Code. The following page contains information on what to do. The resale wizard generates an email where you can add further details about your request before sending it.

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Thanks a lot Martin.

I just send out the mail. Let’s see if it’s working.


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You’re welcome. :slight_smile: I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you get help quickly.

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Hi Martin,

once again, thanks a lot for your support. I received now the new access code and I have now all my licenses under one account.

Have a great week.

Kind Regards

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That’s great, Paddy. I’m glad to hear that the problem has finally been solved.