Move Recent Projects from C10.5 to 11

How do I move Recent projects from Cubase 10.5 to 11. I have about 8 projects I’m working on and the Recent is blank in Cubase 11.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Cubase just opens all older projects instantly,
so there is something wrong with your project in 10.5 already…

@st10ss I’m sure he must mean the recent files list is blank.

@ByronK Simply navigate to the the project files and open them. The next time you start Cubase they will be listed.

Oh… OK
Open projects from the media bay?

Sure Mediabay, or just Windows Explorer or MacOS Finder and double click.

When I launch Cubase 10.5 in the Steinberg Hub under Recent there used to be all my previous projects. When I upgraded to 11 no projects are listed.
All I want is to have all my projects that I was working on in 10.5 listed in 11 Steinberg Hub - Recent ranther than drilling down into my files folders to launch each project from the File Explorer.

Thanks for your assistance.

The recent files list is defined in the Defaults.xml file but I don’t think it’s a good idea to copy that file from 10.5 to 11.

If you are a seasoned xml hacker you can probably copy the GRecentDocumentPaths section from the 10.5 file to the 11 file.

If not I suggest that you open the projects once, one by one, and then you have them in the recent files list…