Moving channels

Can’t really move channels around as I would like. Seems a bit restricted. Disappointed.

Hi Drufix, can you elaborate what type of channels you are trying to move in what way? Ideally including some screenshots or a video? I’d be interested to know what kind of functionality is missing for your use-case.

It seems that midi channels are locked together. Can’t get an audio channel between them. Also some midi channels can’t switch sides.
Vca tracks can’t be put where I like to have them.

Jan Erik Ernst

Generally, the channel reordering works exactly like the track reordering, since in the end it is exactly that. Therefore, if tracks can’t be reodered in a certain way, the channels can’t either.
One example would be the return tracks/channels of a multi-out track-instrument which have to remain within the main instrument track etc.
Also, channels locked to the left/right side in the mixer might have extra restrictions also due to the ordering happening on track-level. But without a detailed example it is difficult to examine one of your cases.

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