Moving Notes on another beat without changing their original duration, resulting in an irregular bar

Hello everyone,

it’s kinda hard to explain, but I’m trying to move a note to another position in the bar, without changing the structure. Best to understand by example: Schubert/Liszt “Gretchen am Spinnrad”. In this picture you can see two bars, both with a dotted quarter note as the melody, but in the first bar it’s on the second beat of the 16th notes (this is what I want to make happen), in the second its regularly in the first. Another example would be the second piece of Schumanns “Bunte Blätter”, a quarter triplet on top of 8 32th notes, but being placed over of each other.

Could anyone help me out here? Thanks a lot!!

Welcome to the forum!

Since the dotted quarter fits in 5 sixteenth (instead of 6), it works by creating a tuplet (6:5x), and then hiding the number, and remove the 16th rest above the first note:


Also: for the two unison notes to be properly aligned., this option must be enabled in Notation Options:

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It worked!! Thank you so much!!

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@murbiwurz You are welcome! Bunte Blätter #2 is a bit more challenging, it requires nested tuplets :face_with_head_bandage: :sob:

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