Moving to a new computer


I’m migrating from an old Windows Vista computer to a new one running Windows 8.1. I use Cubase Elements 6, and obviously want to move my license and software over to the new computer. I’m not averse to upgrading to Elements 7 in the process.

My main concern is about the eLicenser. I don’t want to muck up the process.

Are there already instructions somewhere on how to do this? Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

It’s not too difficult thankfully.

You do this in your Steinberg profile iirc. Your e-licenser is currently tagged to that machine, so in your profile, after you move everything over, you delete the license for that older machine and create a new license for the new machine.

When you start up Cubase on the new machine I think it will want you to start the licensing process.

Here you will find some info: