Multi voice problems

Hello…I am continuing to have problems with writing multi voice guitar. If I enter one voice and then change to another voice, the independence of the voices does not happen. What I mean is that voice #2 pushes notes from voice # 1 over to the next eight note in the grid as though it is in voice #1 which it is not… I looked at a tutorial on this and the guy is very easily entering voices on the staff without the jumbling up of notes etc. …but that’s not happening over here …

Can you suggest something that fixes this…thanks for any help …


Are you sure you’re not in Insert mode? :exploding_head::crazy_face::x::rescue_worker_helmet: What does your caret look like ? A vertical bar, or a vertical bar with chevrons on top and bottom ? If the latter, press i to exit insert mode!

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Yes, it sounds like Insert Mode is activated.

Can you upload a screenshot of the jumble that you see? Make sure it is of the whole window, including the left and right zones.

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I maybe have done 1 screen shot in the last 47 years…so I don’t remember how to do it. Also what I’ve got on my staff are numbers that are supposed to be telling me what voice I’m in and then there’s this little note next to the number and I can move the caret ( the caret ?) back and forth on the grid. So I can’t tell if I am in insert mode…but the result of what I’m trying to do seems to indicate that I a may be in insert mode… any ideas ?..I am ,… profoundly frustrated with this Dorico thing …it sure ain’ FInale… I keep running into this same problem over and over

thanks in advance for any help


To take a screen shot in Windows, simply press Print Screen on the keyboard. That copies the image to the clipboard and from there you can paste it directly into the text input box in the forum. (ctrl+V)

To take a screen shot of only the current window press Alt+Print Screen.

(Sorry I don’t know the equivalent method on Mac.)

I’d recommend that you make sure voice colors are showing with:
View / Note and Rest Colors / Voice Colors

The caret in “normal” mode looks like this:

and in Insert mode it looks like this (note that the insert mode button at the far left of the screen is now blue) :

In either mode the note and number at the bottom of the caret show which upstem or downstem voice you are entering notes into.

With the caret active you can scroll through the existing voices by pressing V. You can add a new voice with shift=V.


Hello, I was able to attach a screen shot of a part of my score which shows the trouble I’m having writing for multi voice guitar on Dorico.
For example - I want the 2nd beat of that measure to show half notes in the Ab chord and Dorico has been refusing to do that even if I click on the Force Duration icon.

Any ideas ? …I think somebody was mentioning “insert mode” and I don’t see where that is or know if I should be in it or not (insert mode) It might be right in front of my nose and I still don’t see it…that’s because my nose is huge.

But anyway - if you can help I’d appreciate it…it’s been way too much of a struggle to just write in 1 measure on multi voice …
thanks in advance ,



It looks as though you need one more voice in there.

Am I correct in thinking that you want a crochet C notated on beat three at the same time as the minim C is held? And, is it currently in the same voice as the minims (Up-stem Voice 1?)?

If so, that is one reason why the minim would be split: because Dorico needs to show that note on beat three but also needs to show the Ab and C minims somehow.

Would it be possible for you to show what you want in each voice but split over several bars, just to be clear? I.E. put the low Ab minims in one bar, the syncopated Eb’s in another? Or even just the clearest way to show us what you want?

I will try another screen shot to show you a clearer idea of how I want the rhythm to appear. The only thing missing from that measure would be an eight note rest right above the first half note (minim)…
Let’s see if I can give you a screen shot.


It would be “just” an eighth note rest…no quarter note rest (crotchet - rest)…

Select the quarter rest and do edit>remove rests.