Multibar rests don't include the very first bar with the time signature

I’ve written a short song and originally wrote it with just the lyrics and notes with no empty bars to account for instrumental intro etc. I’ve now gone back and want to add the extra empty bars, so the singer knows to wait 16 bars before singing etc. However, when I add bars, it won’t put the multibar rest across all the bars, but leaves one blank bar which has the time signature at the beginning, but still counts it in the total number of bars. So, I have the time signature at the start, then a barline, then the multibar rest, which says 15 instead of 16. I’ve tried to add a rest to the empty bar, but it won’t let me. The white image is Full Score, the second image is how it looks in the instrument mode. Dunno what the red line is at the start. Any advice?

The red line is an insert mode stop position. You can delete it in Write mode by selecting it and typing Alt/Opt+Shift+I.

It looks like the measures you added don’t have any visible rests, and that makes me wonder what’s really in that first measure. If you select the first F eighth note and open the lower Properties panel, is the “Starts voice” property set? If so, turn it off and see if rests appear. You may find that the first measure doesn’t actually have a whole rest.

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Thanks for your help. I turned off start voice and suddenly all the rests appeared and it was only then that I could delete the red line. I don;t understand why, but I’ll take it for the moment. I still have an issue with further in the piece, where I added 4 bars before the vocals, but once again, it’s showing a 3 bar multirest and ignoring the first bar. The Start Voice switch is off and it won’t let me turn it on again.


Again, your bar rests aren’t showing, which is unusual. Does the last note before the key change have “Ends voice” set? If so, try turning it off.

If that doesn’t work, can you upload your project, or a cut down version, so someone can take a look?