This has been happening since one of my version 5 updates in all my open files.
For instance: if I have selected just the choir parts (notes) and then play on my midi keyboard, I hear both choir sounds and piano together. Or in another file: click on a bar of organ music, hear organ and piano on my midi keyboard - click on clarinet notes and hear piano and clarinet on my midi keyboard. And yes there is a piano instrument in each file (but it is not selected). Happens with both NotePerformer and HALion Sonic separately and when both are used in the same file. What’s going here and how can I stop it?
More info: I just realized it was happening in a file that only had a choir instrument and no piano. Here is the file but when I opened it again, I just heard the choir instrument and not piano when pressing midi keys. Be Thou My Vision VU 642.dorico (1.4 MB)