Hi, i searched for a similar topic within the search function in the Cubase Forum but i did not find this request, so here it goes:
I would like in a future edition of cubase, the “multiple pre delay” function per midi track, as this would benefice a lot of orchestral composers using orchestral sample libraries that has different pre delays values per articulation (example: violin legato -140ms, violin sustain: -50ms, violin spiccato -40ms).
In the actual version of cubase one can put only one general pre delay value per midi track.
With this solution implemented one could avoid the task of creating 500 instruments midi tracks of an orchestral section, there are some workarounds through some kontakt scripts but all 3rd party solutions has its flaws in some times. it would be nice an integrated solution at daw level, it would be amazing.
Thank you all, you have an amazing program, lets help and make it more awesome