multiple range selection option with KC

improvements to range selection tool:
select multiple ranges with range tool+key command in a track or several tracks to make edits on many events at ones,and also for automation lanes etc…

Good idea! I think Studio One 5 can do this using the shift key. Quite useful.

Yes this is desperately needed. I am mainly a Studio One user but have gotten Nuendo for post production and I spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out how to do this, thinking there MUST be a way… But I guess not!

Steinberg please add this!


  • Arrows left/right moves the whole Range Selection left/right.
  • Arrows up/down moves the Range Selection up/down (previous/next track)
  • Alt + Arrow left/right moves the Left border of the Range Selection.
  • Alt + Shift + Arrow left/right moves the Left border of the Range Selection.

im talking about this, multiple range selections as in this video below.
so many click can be avoided just by adding this function !! i like those “little” workflow enhancements on tools we already have,just improve them and not stuck with them for 20 years the same.

its about time that cubase use some more modern and efficient tools and workflow that modern DAWs have nowadays