Multiple VST for same instrument

Sorry, I meant: just because I’ve gone from keyswitch C0 (CS) to C2 (Play), they wouldn’t just deactivate each other would they? i.e. I would just get the C2 Play articulation along with whatever the last CS articulation was playing at the same time?

I will definitely have to do some exploring as soon as I get a chance!

Possibly - with the caveat that I’m not completely sure I’m understanding what you’re saying. I think you would want the standard mode in the Expression Map where the Note-Off is aligned with you releasing a key.

So when you go from C0 to C2, your CS should receive Note-Off and enter its release part of the envelope as you release the key. It should be silent while C2 is active because it shouldn’t even see it as a trigger of any kind. And then Play would do exactly the same (trigger the release phase on Note-Off) when you went back to C0.

In any case, I think you would need only two or three articulations in an Expression Map to test this out.

Yep I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down. I’ll let you know how I go?