Musical / Time Mode for rulers, names for rules

First off, Cubase 14 has some great improvements - even if I may not use all of them.

I’m very happy that rulers now have offsets, but they are kind of pointless.

First, a small “bug”:

What is this? This should be -1 second, not -1 23:59:59!

Feature Request 1
More importantly, the screenshot shows a second ruler where the seconds are offset to the second bar. Now watch what happens if I change the track tempo:

It preserved the 2 second offset, but it’s not what you usually need. I would expect that I can pin an offset (or “zero point”) to either a bar and beat (musical mode) or a time (time mode). Otherwise, changes that are way before the zero point can have dramatic influence on where the ruler starts.

Please please please consider changing this! I know this is actually a lot more work, as the offset is probably currently just an integer and holds no info on musical vs time mode, but it would make the ruler so much more useful. You do it for marker tracks, then it should be easy to do it for ruler tracks as well.

Feature Request 2
Give the ruler names. If I’m working on dialogue with multiple scenes in a single project, I could have a ruler for each scene with the offset attached to wherever the scene starts.

EDIT: spelling

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And usage too - Tracks don’t have modes - only Audio Files have Modes, Tracks have a Timebase.

I haven’t downloaded 14 yet, so can’t test this.

However the previous versions of Cubase already let you offset by Bars via the Project Settings. Perhaps that still works?

This perplexed me in Cubase 12 as well, but I got used to it I guess.

I believe all the ruler offsets, including the one applied from the Set Timecode At Cursor command, is calculated as an offset from the project start point.
What would an offset value in a time based ruler, pinned to a bars/beat value, look like? A second input box on the track expressed in bars/beats? I’m just trying to visualize it.

Uhm…yes, you are right. But it’s the same principle

Yes, exactly this. If you are in musical time base, you can enter a beat/bar offset. If you are in linear, you enter a time.

Choosing the cursor position as offset would still work.

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