In projects that include horizontal lines that interact with system text (w/ or without “Avoid Collisons” turned off), the vertical placement of (non-default-placed) lines will change on edits, but also on MusicXML export. Attached is a project that shows the problem (pitches changed to avoid copyright concerns). Measure 5 includes a system text (“or”) positioned between horizontal lines. The screenshot shows how it looks before and after MusicXML export.
This problem happens quite commonly that I re-recorded my export macros to be sure to export slices before exporting MusicXML.
Self-diagnosis: It seems to have something to do with layout computations taking place on a larger scale. If any more lyrics in m. 7 are removed, or measures 11-14 are removed, then the problem goes away. But it also means that layout changes can occur far from where edits have just taken place, so “Save, Export, Revert” seems to be the only safe way of avoiding the problem. Compressed vs. Uncompressed MusicXML export doesn’t matter.
Demo_Problem.dorico (860.6 KB)