Hello, I had the need to import some orchestral music of mine from MusescoreStudio4 to have a different audio rendition.
Along with minor issues including bad octave assignment for some instruments, the need to transform solo instruments in ensembles again (there is also a trick adding the ensemble tag directly in the XML - see related posts in the forum),
I had the bad surprise that many altered notes are wrong.
The key is C and in some passages there are other tonalities but the key is not changed accordingly.
Of course the notation is less readable because many accidentals show up, but the pitch should be correct after import.
Instead, for example, minor chords can become major or different (I just hear contrasting harmonies).
This is not for all those notes or passages so it can happen that after some bars it starts sounding correctly.
In Musescore4 I just used accidentals as they came, so some can be flats, some can be sharps.
But I would expect correct pitches in XML import nevertheless.
I hope there is some settings I am ignoring and this is not an issue.
If you could attach a small example XML file where this is going wrong we could take a look. It might be, though, that the MusicXML file itself is wrong.
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I realized that maybe this issue is of the past, because the new Dorico version happened to import correctly the notes with the same file in fact.
I will re-open the thread if I experience the above mentioned problems again or in other form.
Do you know whether related issues were addressed when fixing the old release?
I can’t think of any recent changes that would have affected this.