Muted events to still show their color?

I wish muted events would still show a hint of what color they are when unmuted…

Working in lanes on an instrument track, when I mute an event, it goes completely gray.
How about a hint of the orange color I made it to remind me that I like it and may want to use it?

Is this a setting I can change?

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Don’t think so, sorry.

It would be beneficial for marking good parts when combining takes.
Here is how it looks unmuted:

Here is how it looks muted:

Here is how I would like to see it muted:

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That’s perfect. And it only makes the best sense. Why would we NOT want to see colors anymore when things are muted? It’s not like we don’t care about those parts and are disabling them, we are just muting them.

Right, how do we go back and unmute only our preferred colored ones?

This seems like a no-brainer to me. I wish there were way to shoot this one to the top of the request list.

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