My Notation Song Made Using Cubase

My Notation Song Made Using Cubase

I would very much appreciate the Cubase Family thoughts on my notation song. I released the song on the 1 November 2024 and created a video to match, so why not check my creative work and let me know what you think.

YouTube Video: …/watch?v=_xoUx6qkYmo
Spotify Audio: …/album/5jcHSn5iS1POzQxm3DfMf8?si=ddY3CsI4Tr-Z2s9hesh3vg

Many thanks

Hello clavierconnect, it looks like you haven’t properly put the links into your post. Please try again!

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Hi Early21 #Early21 … As a new user it does not allow me to put the full URL Link within my post

OK, I figured it out. You have to put in front of the rest of it. Looks like a good piece of education material. Wishing you well with it, and welcome to the forum!

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