"My Posts" missing from sidebar

The My Posts category is missing from the top of the sidebar under Topics etc. How can I make it show again? I do find the window under my Profile: Activity however.

I suggest you bookmark this URL:


I will contact the team at Discourse about this issue. We have not made any configuration change that would cause this link to have been removed from the sidebar.

You can add your own links in the left sidebar with the plus button at the bottom. That may help?

The “My Posts” link is there by default for all users, and is still configured that way, but it doesn’t appear, so my suspicion is that this is a problem that the Discourse team need to fix. Hence me contacting them to ask them.

Thank you @dspreadbury Just so I know I am not losing it. And thank you for contacting Discourse.
@Andro Great tip! However, it wasn’t immediately obvious how to do it, so I gave up quickly since I doubt I will ever need this tool.

Yes My Posts has disappeared from my Discourse forums also. May have been a regression in a recent update.

It didn’t occur to me at least, since your team seems to be here almost around the clock solving issues.

However, you could have informed us about it in a different way, and pasted a link to this thread before closing the one above with no chance to answer you question.

Well, now you know that I am just one human being, who despite being by any standard uncommonly dedicated to my job and to the success of our many tens of thousands of users, is nevertheless unable to be on the forum 24 hours a day.

What really bothers me is the notion that we are actively avoiding answering questions, and “keeping things hush-hush”. I find that a borderline offensive remark, given the thousands of hours of my life I have spent on this forum (and others) demonstrating as much transparency as possible about our product, our plans, our philosophy, and trying to provide assistance to anybody who asks for it – to the tune of more than 46,000 (!) replies to date. It’s even more galling when we are accused of actively not answering a question after only a handful of hours.

No, I shouldn’t allow those kinds of off-hand remarks to offend me, but I’m afraid I am in the end a human being, with all the imperfections that entails.


On the subject of the original topic: the team at Discourse tell me that this is a deliberate change to make it easier to find draft posts, but that they believe it should be possible to restore the “My Posts” link through a custom configuration step, and I am waiting for further information from them about it.

As a “regular user/member,” I feel compelled to state in the strongest possible terms that conspiratorial murmurs about the Dorico Team operating in bad faith are not only unwarranted (especially when the object of complaint isn’t even under their control, like the Discourse forum platform!), they’re unwelcome.

This forum maintains a uniquely positive and mutually respectful tone above that of so many spaces and channels on the web, and it’s on each of us to do our part to contribute in that spirit. There’s plenty of room here for debate, requests, and even solution-oriented expressions of frustration, but woe to us if we alienate one another — and especially the Dorico team — by assuming the worst and lacking grace in awaiting responses.

IMO, the team works mighty hard here to stay tuned into what regular users are experiencing and wanting, and to be actively involved in helping us. Thanks to you all!


I second @judddanby 's remarks. This forum must be one of the most open and honest of any on internet.


OK. So I found My Posts has been changed to My Drafts, in accord with what was stated above. But fiddling around - just saving the config multiple times (weird) I got it to say My Posts and point to what I think is the right area.

I believe Discourse is truly superb software of the first order, but with the very active development sometimes they change things without notice and it does lead to perplexity.

And the My Drafts/My Posts simply points to the /my/activity page when one is logged in.

The only way I could get My Drafts to appear in the list was to create a dummy draft. Then My Drafts takes one to the user Activity window!

I am glad that they are actively developing the software, but not glad that they are making illogical changes.

I sometimes wonder if the perplexity and inconvenience caused by constant, sudden, unexplained, and needless changes is not having a bad affect on the general morale. Positive change is good; but one also needs stability, without the rug constantly being pulling out from under one.

Generally the Discourse devs are pretty good. But this was a highly visible mess up I think. I may write to the Meta Discourse forum. This one deserves a slap on the wrist.

Anyway, I suppose this is the wrong forum to discuss Discourse. :slight_smile:

An update on this issue: the intended behaviour is that you will see the “My Drafts” link instead of “My Posts” if you have any draft posts. However, when you don’t have any drafts, the “My Posts” link doesn’t seem to reappear. The Discourse team are working on this issue, they tell me.

In the meantime, we have been able to restore the “My Posts” link by customising the sidebar. I’m not sure whether you will see the “My Posts” link if you have personally customised the sidebar, but at least if you have not customised the sidebar, the link should now be appearing there again.


Thank you, @dspreadbury for taking the time to do the customization. My Posts is now appearing.

My Posts being replaced by My Drafts seems undesirable to me and hope that the customization is retained, whatever Discourse decides to do.

As a composer who loves Dorico and has been following this forum and its predecessor on Sibelius, I can’t even start thanking Daniel for his extraordinary work and dedication. A HUGE thank you.

So far every time I have searched for something that Dorico does not do, there is a post from Daniel simply stating that it can’t be done, and an honest answer as to an eventual feasibility and timeline
I do not post much because I can find my answers by reading this forum’s wonderful posts and replies. Everyone is so helpful. It is a joy to be a part of this environment.



Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me!

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