Hi. I’m learning Dorico with my first ever project. I’m alternating 6/8 and 5/8 measures. A weird artifact has cropped up in a 6/8 bar. The bar has wrapped to the next staff line, so there’s a fragment at the right of the page with 1 beat and then a fragment on the next line at the left of the page with 5 beats. But something else is going on too, since the prior bar and both fragments are all numbered as bar 6 (and this screws up all subsequent bar numbering).
I can’t find any settings that would affect this (and I did restart Dorico). Help? Screenshot and project attached. (The screenshot shows just one instrument, but this affects the whole score.) Thanks!
Bach Lute Prelude in Dm - subverted for trio copy2025-01-13p1238.dorico (1.1 MB)