Well let’s test some plugins then! I set up a 7.1 bus to my Fireface UCX II since it has hardware output monitoring so it is easy to visually check it vs supervision in Nuendo itself. Outputs are hooked up in the Nuendo order 1/2 - L/R, 3/4 - C/s, 5/6 -Ls/Rs, 7/8 -Sl/Sr.
Basic Panning with VST Multipanner - Works properly.
Basic Panning with dearVR PRo - Incorrect. It pans to the surrounds when you pan to the sides and vice versa. You can see it both on Supervision and the hardware outs.
Basic Panning with Anymix Pro - Works properly.
Monitoring with dearVR Monitor - Probably incorrect. No way to 100% measure since it is HRTF, but it sounds wrong, sound like sides and rears are reversed.
Stratus3D Reverb as a panned send - Works properly, output is correct, and it shows the correct input with the VST multipanner.
Symphony3D Reverb as a panned send - Works properly, unsurprisingly since it is a sister to Stratus.
Voxengo CurveEQ as a panned send - Can work properly. In default mode, where it EQs all channels it is fine. If you break it in to groups it incorrectly identifies sides as back and vice versa. You can change which it identifies as which though, and it controls the channels correctly.
Frequency as a panned send - Works properly, near as I can tell you can’t change it to only operate on one channel or M/S in 7.1 mode so it doesn’t matter, all channels get the same EQ.
Izotope Insight 2 - Works correctly. It shows the channels in a different order than Supervision, but identifies a left side pan as “Lss” and a left rear pan as “Lsr” and things pan properly through the channels.
Melda MBitFun as a panned send - Works correctly when set to surround mode. Everything passes through to the correct output, and if you edit the surround settings it correctly identifies the side channels (it calls them center surround).
Superior Drummer 3 as a rack instrument - Works, but it only supports stereo outputs so you manually pan them where you want so not really a useful test.
So in my testing the answer is that some plugins work, and some don’t, which is kind of annoying. I don’t have that many that support 7.1 (never mind more) so I can’t really test a ton of them. Unsurprisingly the Steinberg ones work properly. DearVR doesn’t, which is annoying because their monitoring for surround in headphones is pretty great. iZotope seems fine, both their regular line and their exponential audio line. Melda plugins all seem fine, though since they are doing equal processing on all channels in most cases it doesn’t really matter.
It seems like the biggest thing to watch out for is panners. Those are where you can really go wrong. Other things like EQs are also something to keep an eye on, however since they mostly do either all-channel or pair-wise processing it will work, even if they mix up the pairs, so long as you are aware of that. With CurveEQ you could change its settings to get it to label surround and surround back correctly, but if you didn’t it isn’t a big deal just remember which is which.
Reverbs would be another area that could really cause issues. The only ones I have to test in 7.1 are the exponential audio ones at the moment, and they work right. I don’t know about LiquidSonics since I don’t own their products, yet. There aren’t a whole lot of 7.1 or 3D reverbs out there, Waves is only 5.1 max.
It would be interesting to see what results others get. I’m also going to harass dearVR and see if they’ll fix it, since they do officially support Nuendo.