N13 Disable DOP Resize?

Is there a way to stop the DOP window from resizing?

When I apply DOP to certain audio events, selecting a clip causes the DOP to quickly resize to the correct size of the plugin (or process) used. This causes a small interruption in my editing workflow. During the resizing (which only takes half a second) I am unable to continue editing, and every time I select another audio clip (with DOP ↔ without DOP) the DOP resizes and introduces a small delay in my workflow.

I am used to editing very fast and in N12 this was never an issue. The DOP window remained the same size. Now I have to close the DOP window every time I have finished using it. (for which I created a shortcut). Isn’t there a way to stop this resizing?

Here is a short video of the behavior:


I’m sorry, there is no way.

That’s too bad. It would be great to have an option to turn resizing off in a next update. Or even better: that the lag (delay) you experience while the window is resizing does not occur!

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Yep! This is quite annoying. I’ll hope that some update will fix this soon.

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I think so. This feature does not improve anything and pauses workflow.
Please keep like N12.

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